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2 Translation results for aboriginal in Spanish

adjective | noun

Aboriginal adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
aborigen, indígena

Example sentences of
Aboriginal adjective

  • the aboriginal peoples of Australia
  • the aboriginal peoples of northern Alaska are known as Inupiats, which in their language literally means “real people”
  • the aboriginal peoples of northern Alaska are known as Inupiats, which in their language literally means "real people"

Synonyms of
Aboriginal adjective

Detailed synonyms for Aboriginal adjective

See: Native

Aboriginal noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
aborigen australiano

Example sentences of
Aboriginal noun

  • for a long time the aboriginals were not even included in the censuses, as they were viewed as part of the region's fauna

Reverse translation for aboriginal

aborigen  - aboriginal, native 
indígena  - indigenous, native